Toyota Camry

1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

Kamri's Toyota
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 1.2. Information before car driving
+ 1.3. Independent maintenance
+ 1.4. Technical characteristics
+ 1.5. Some councils upon car purchase
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Heating and ventilation
+ 6. Fuel system
- 7. Exhaust system
   - 7.2. Systems of decrease in toxicity of exhaust gases
      7.2.2. Technical characteristics
      7.2.3. OBD II system
      7.2.4. OBD computer of II system (Powertrain Control Module)
      7.2.5. Sensor of turn of a butterfly valve
      7.2.6. The sensor of absolute pressure in a soaking-up collector
      7.2.7. Sensor of a mass consumption of air
      7.2.8. The sensor of temperature of soaked-up air (IAT sensor)
      7.2.9. The sensor of temperature of cooling liquid (ECT sensor)
      7.2.10. Sensor of rotation of the crankshaft
      7.2.11. Sensor of rotation of a cam-shaft
      7.2.12. Contact sensor of pressure of the hydraulic booster
      7.2.13. The sensor of the content of oxygen in the fulfilled gases
      7.2.14. Detonation sensor
      7.2.15. Sensor of speed of the car
      7.2.16. Perepuskna air valve of idling (IAC valve)
      7.2.17. System of a choice of the channel absorptions (ACIS system)
      7.2.18. System of ventilation of a case
      7.2.19. Retsirkulyatsiya system
      7.2.20. Catching system паров gasoline
      7.2.21. Converter
      7.2.22. Rub in one – or how to save the catalyst
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Running gear
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment

7.2.3. OBD II system


OBD II - system is intended for registration and storing of failures of sensors of system of decrease in toxicity, and also for check of a condition of sensors and actuation mechanisms.

Arrangement of the 16-shtyrkovy diagnostic socket

Access to system is provided with connection of special scanners (OBD-II SCAN TOOL) to the 16-shtyrkovy diagnostic socket (shooter) which is mounted under the dashboard from the driver.

The system includes the board computer (Powertrain Control Module) and the peripheral sensors tracing a condition of the engine (sensors of oxygen, rotation of the crankshaft, temperatures, etc.). For reading in this system of diagnostic codes of malfunction and their identification special expensive scanners therefore all types of works on diagnostics, it is expedient to repair and adjustment of system to carry out in car-care center of the dealer are required. In this section the order of checks and replacement of some knots of system of decrease in toxicity which can be executed independently is considered.